Saturday, January 8, 2011

Flashy’s first trip to the beach

Over the holidays it was freezing in Florida. Jim and Debbie always call us and brag that their weather is so nice in the winter….I don’t buy it…I think they’re just trying to trick us. It was COLD there. Finally toward the end of the week it got up to 60 degrees and the boys were able to play golf and we were able to take the dogs to the beach. Cassie had a little trouble with the fact that Flash likes to box. Cassie is not a fan of boxing and it took Flash the boxer a little longer than we would have liked to realize this. Finally by the end of the week Flash and Cassie were getting along, just in time for us to go home.

We weren’t sure how Flash would react to the beach, but he LOVED it. I think it might be one of his favorite places. He had a blast. We can’t wait to take him back to the beach.



Flash, chasing and watching the seagulls.


YAY!!! Kevin finally got here!


I had to add this picture in. Cassie looks to nice and happy, and then there’s Frumpy Flashy. Flash was pouting because he wanted to rip and tear and play with Cassie. He was SO mad that he had to sit still for pictures. He needs to learn like the rest of us that there is always more than one picture in the Trueblood family.


Finally we got him to sit nicely and take a decent picture, after numerous pouty pictures.



Flash running in the surf.

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