Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010- Day 1

Jason and I were very excited to carve pumpkins this year. We were very pleased with our creations. We decided to split it up into 2 days because the first 2 pumpkins we chose were on the super difficult list of pumpkin designs. Holy moly they were hard! Jason and I were beginning to wonder if we were in over our heads. We were both surprised we were able to finish them without ruining a pumpkin. We also had a little extra help this year from Flash. All he wanted to do was lick the goop off the pumpkins. YUCK!  More carving to come tomorrow!

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Flash “helping”.

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Very focused:)

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Jason’s pumpkin “eye of newt”


My Freddy Kruger pumpkin.


Jason’s Jigsaw pumpkin.



My Yoda pumpkin I carved for a mom of one of my students who gave us all of the pumpkins from their farm.


Debbie said...

You two are amazing! How come Jason's pumpkin carving abilities didn't surface till he married you.

ltrueblood87 said...

Oh my gosh! you guys are nuts! these are awesome!!!

Erin said...

Wow! Those are awesome! I am soo impressed! We didn't even get around to carving pumpkins this year because we never even bought them! Opps! Maybe next year

Kristy Trueblood said...

Thanks guys!!!! We had so much fun! Debbie...I'm so glad you're not "anonymous":)