Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halloween Costume Take 1 = EPIC FAIL

So….Flash is supposed to be batman for Halloween. Yes, I know we shouldn’t torture the dog, but our entire neighborhood shuts down for Halloween. Adults, kids, pets, all dress up and it’s a huge block party. We had 250 kids last year. We are trying to get Flash used to the idea of wearing a costume, so we thought we would try out the base of his costume without the chest plate the the batman logo and the cape for our first trial. Well….Flash hates our guts! He was super not thrilled about the idea of a hood and especially the fact that his little ears poke through the hood. So, perhaps we will have to go with a plan B. We will see what we come up with.


Before we made the ear holes. His ears are too big so it wouldn’t stay on.


Fighting it all the way.


Our little gangster….ears through the hood and all. NOT HAPPY. If this picture could talk, I think it would say “I hate you guys!”


Anonymous said...

What have you done to our poor grandpuppy! We are glad to hear that he is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I can post if I pick anonymous. You know who I am and where to find me. Love you guys

Erin said...

Haha! He looks hilarious! And angry! Good luck getting him in another costume!