Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip to FL for Wesley's Graduation

We went to FL for Wesley's graduation. I can't believe little Wes is growing up:) We had a great time and we even got to cart our little pup to see Jason's family. He was a great traveler and loved being around everyone. We had such a great time hanging out with the fam.
Grandma F, Wes, and Flash
Jason and Grandma F
The girls with Grandma F. We were so excited to celebrate her birthday with her!!!
Ummmm I think this is Nala, but it could be Cassie. I can't tell unless I see them in person.
I feel as though Kevin should get his own picture here as kind of a tribute. He survived a weekend with ALL of the Truebloods. That's quite the accomplishment. He's ok in my book:)
Grandma and her cake
Flash....clearly ready to party.
The awesome crab feast for Wesley's graduation.
Fun at the beach.
Graduation pics.
Wes looks super excited...perhaps because it was 100 degrees. Not the greatest idea for a FL graduation.

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