Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Indiana Trueblood

Projects Projects Projects! Starting last week and continuing into my school's spring break we have been doing some serious house projects. Our first project was the front yard. Last year we worked so hard on moving in and getting the inside of our house feeling like home, we didn't work much on the outside. When we bought the house the yard looked like Fern Gully. Needless to say we had our work cut out for us. However, THIS was not what we were expecting... The house has had 2 previous owners. The original owner had a fish pond in the front yard with spotlights and rocks and such. The second set of owners did not want to fish pond. So...instead of taking it out, they threw a tarp over it, threw dirt on it, and planted some very ugly bushes. Jason and I got to go on an archaeological dig, before we could even think about planing anything.
We found... 2 pocket knives 2 PVC pipes filled with all of the chords that were hooked up to the pond, they were buried under our sidewalk and through the entire flowerbed. 2 clay plant pots 1 Stone frog 1 bird bath the pump to the fish pond 2 flood lights with extension chords a brass frog and lily pad statue...and a partridge in a pear tree:)
A small portion of our findings.
We had to pull out the bushes with our neighbor's truck.

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