Monday, April 26, 2010

Bringing Flash Home

Everything was a new and exciting experience for our little guy. He already loves TV and still isn't sure what to do when he sees his reflection. He thinks our wine fridge is a cage with another dog in it.
Playing with new toys.
He thinks he's going to be a 75 lb. lap dog.
All pooped out after exploring and a very big weekend.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Picking up Flash!!!!

This weekend Jason and I picked up our newest addition to our family, Flash, our new boxer puppy. He is 11 weeks old, and already trained. We absolutely love him. He is the sweetest dog. He is very calm and listens well. We got him from a man named Earl Overstreet, who is nationally renowned for his champion boxers. Our puppy had to have 3 names for his AKC kennel name, including Earl's kennel name which is Ewo. Hi full name is Ewo's Flashy Slapshot. We thought this was perfect since Jason is such a big hockey fan. Flash's father is Sire Ewo's Sureshot, and his grandfather, who won best in show at the Westminster is named Ewo's Hotshot. We went to Roanoke for the weekend and stayed with my dad's cousin, who also has boxers. We had an awesome time, and brought home an awesome puppy.
Some of the show dogs at Earl's kennel.
Flash's Mommy
My 6 year old cousin, Carlin, holding Flash.
Jason and I with the little guy.
My dad almost came home with a boxer:) He really liked this one!
Flash at Doris and Kerry's house.
Shae, Ruby, and Surfie, Doris and Kerry's boxers. Surfie is the huge blockhead below:) Flash, hanging out with the big boys.
Last weekend my dad took Jason on the annual men's golf trip. My mom decided to come and visit since both of the boys were gone. We got the whole yard done! It looked somewhat like fern gully and was in much need of work. We took out 12 stumps and cut down trees, mulched, and planted several new plants. Last year Jason and I focused so much on the inside of the house, the outside didn't get any work. Everything is finished and we can relax...until we get our puppy.
This is the mess that we started with.
Cutting down the overgrown trees.
The finished yard. We planted several things that have yet to come up.
The deck from the back of the house. The fence is getting done sometime this summer.
The finished front yard

More House Projects- The Deck

Over my spring break, the deck was my big project. My dad helped me with is because for some reason I thought I was superman and could paint the whole deck by myself in 2 days. Needless to say that's not possible. It was a huge job! We worked really hard and got it done in 3 days. We were very pleased with the way it turned out.
Before pictures.
The finished product. Thanks to some awesome gift cards we got from Jason's family, we were able to do this project and get an umbrella for the table.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Indiana Trueblood

Projects Projects Projects! Starting last week and continuing into my school's spring break we have been doing some serious house projects. Our first project was the front yard. Last year we worked so hard on moving in and getting the inside of our house feeling like home, we didn't work much on the outside. When we bought the house the yard looked like Fern Gully. Needless to say we had our work cut out for us. However, THIS was not what we were expecting... The house has had 2 previous owners. The original owner had a fish pond in the front yard with spotlights and rocks and such. The second set of owners did not want to fish pond. So...instead of taking it out, they threw a tarp over it, threw dirt on it, and planted some very ugly bushes. Jason and I got to go on an archaeological dig, before we could even think about planing anything.
We found... 2 pocket knives 2 PVC pipes filled with all of the chords that were hooked up to the pond, they were buried under our sidewalk and through the entire flowerbed. 2 clay plant pots 1 Stone frog 1 bird bath the pump to the fish pond 2 flood lights with extension chords a brass frog and lily pad statue...and a partridge in a pear tree:)
A small portion of our findings.
We had to pull out the bushes with our neighbor's truck.

Easter Eggs

At first the guys weren't super excited about decorating eggs. BUT....don't let them fool you, they loved it!
My dad was quite sure that he created the greatest Easter egg ever made. Look at him admiring his work!

Easter Weekend

Easter Sunday Church
Jason decided to help me with some of my Easter baking. We made hot crossed buns and also some Easter chocolates and chocolate covered pretzels. Needless to say Jason only lasted about 10 minutes. He was very upset that the bread dough was sticking to his hands...well that and the caps game was on, so he was preoccupied.
Making chocolates!
Every year on the day before Easter we go to our friend's cabin in the woods. Debbie Shifflett and her 2 sisters Bonnie and Diane own a cabin that has been in their family for a long time. We have a tradition every year of getting together to dye eggs, hang out, play games, and have a fabulous meal. This year there were 2 wonderful additions to our large group. Debbie's daughter Cam and her husband Mike just had twins, Kendall and Carly Norton! We were so excited for them. Debbie's other daughter Shelley just got engaged and is planning a wedding as well. They have a lot going on in their family! We had a great time, the weather was awesome and the company was fabulous.
Carly Norton Kendall Norton
Dad, Jason, and John eating oysters on the deck.
Jason and Shelley
Everyone around the fire.
View of the cabin and the mountain.