Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This year Jason and I drove to Mississippi for New Years. Danny, Erin, Jason, are officially the masters of surprises. Jim and Debbie had no idea that we were coming. Jason and I burst through the door at about 11:00 at night and everyone was very surprised. We had a wonderful time at Danny and Erin's house. We had a fiesta for New Years, and the food was awesome. We went bowling, and also a little gift giving. We had to strategically mail several gifts so Jim and Debbie wouldn't get suspicious but we were able to save a few for our trip.
Danny displaying his SUPERB wrapping surprises there.
Danny and Erin did get a us a super awesome fire pit for our backyard, which we are so excited to use. It was just Danny's wrapping that was sub par:)
This year I brought an extra special gift for Danny...a fabulous gift basket of Hannah Montana trinkets, including crayons, pencils and even a nightlight. I heard a rumor that Danny likes party in the USA. Anyway, apparently I have started a war. However, what Danny doesn't realize is that I have always wanted a big brother to joke around with and I have 23 years of only childhood, so have some serious catching up to do.
Debbie, Jim, Jason, and I
New Years Fiesta!!!!
These pictures are somewhat random, so I feel as though I should explain. Lauren got this awesome game Quelf. This game consists of random and somewhat embarrassing tasks that you have to complete. We played this ridiculous game for 3 hours and no one won. We had a blast though! Lauren drumming with kitchen utensils.
Jim...deciding which color lipstick he will have to put on. I don't think either color was a great choice for him:)
Erin and Lauren
Danny...completing some random task....not real sure. Here I am wearing my napkin bib that I had to fashion for the game.

1 comment:

Sasha Shoots said...
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