Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Morning at the Areharts

This year we had Christmas in Waynesboro with my family. This was a wonderful Christmas but it was very different for us and both sets of our parents. I also know it was an adjustment for Jason to be in a small family for Christmas...not quite as crazy as the Trueblood family Christmas mornings. We got some really awesome gifts and had a great Christmas.

Mom and dad opening their gifts.

Dad opening their gift card for a weekend getaway at the Homestead.

Jason Opening our new coffee maker from Jim and Debbie.

Jason opening his new tennis shoes. He's super excited to go to the gym with me:)

Dad got a new Wii fishing game and he's already practicing. He's going to need the practice...when he played it later in the day he caught a few 3 lb fish and ran 4 boats into the dock.

Thanks to the new golfing gear, Jason thinks he's going to take Tiger spot on the PGA tour. He also got a fabulous monkey driver cover from Jim and Debbie to go with the bag and towel.

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