Sunday, September 27, 2009

House Updates

Now that we are a little more settled, we have been doing a bit more around the house. We have painted some rooms, gotten some other furniture, I made some window treatments, and we've made some other improvements. Some things are still a work in progress, but we're getting there slowly.
New MANCAVE couch and decor
This is the Arehart/Trueblood family wall that goes up our main staircase.
When my best friend Bekah moved to China, we got her iron bed. This room is still a work in progress. I am making decorator pillows that go with the curtains and it's pretty bare for now. But.....there's a bed in our second guest room now so more of you can come visit:)
This is our room. We painted it green and got bedding. We LOVE it!
Kitchen, dining room, and breakfast area.
Our deck....however it's getting cold here, so sad.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I love your blog! Sorry it has taken me so long to actually look at it, but I'm glad that I finally did. I love seeing pictures of your house and everything. Hope school is still going well!