Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

We got hit by the blizzard of 2009 this past weekend. We got about 27 inches of snow and were snowed in the entire weekend. We had to postpone our family Christmas with my mom's family and my cousins. The snow was beautiful and it did get me out of school of 3 days which was nice...since the kids are hopped up on Christmas cookies and are MORE than ready for Santa. I know Jim and Debbie were super jealous of our beautiful weather....just like New Hampshire:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Parties

This weekend Jason and I had two Christmas parties. We hosted one at our house, which was a lot of fun, and we also got to go to my school Christmas party. Since my commute to work is so far Jason has never met anyone that I work with, so I was excited to introduce him to everyone. We had a blast.
Everyone at my team party from school.
The related arts team members. At this party we had a white elephant or useless gift exchange. The gift had to be something laying around your house and you couldn't go buy it. I re gifted a very special gift I got for my bachelorette party. Let me explain..... as a joke for my bachelorette party Jason's mom Debbie and his sister Lauren wrapped up an old lady house coat/night gown as a gift. So...that was my useless gift. Everyone thought it was the funniest gift there and they loved the story. The art teacher opened the gift and we're still trying to convince her to wear it over her clothes as an art smock on Monday. The house coat got affectionately referred to at the Moo Moo. My useless gift was a Christmas frame that at Jewish teacher received from a previous student. Ta Da!!!!!! The famous Moo Moo.
On Friday night Jason and I invited several work friends, college friends, and neighbors to our house for an open house. We had about 25 people there and is was very successful. We got to know some of our neighbors and got to see some old friends as well. Our spread of appetizers and drinks.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

This weekend, Jason and I started decorating for our first Christmas together. We are very excited, but at the same time it is very different decorating our own house and not being with our families to put up the decorations. We have a new tree that we love, and we have a very eclectic mix of hockey bear, karate kid, super hero, ballerina, and classical music ornaments. I also made some swags above the windows that I am very proud of. We made a huge mess and it is still a work in progress. More pictures to come as we add more to our home:)
Dining room table.
The before picture with a lonely swag.
The huge mess!
Jason decorating our tree!
Jason's favorite Spider-man ornament. I was NOT allowed to hang this one on the tree!
The tree.
Our living room.
The kitchen.

Thanksgiving Weekend

This Thanksgiving Jim, Debbie, Wes, and Lauren came from Florida to visit. We had Thanksgiving with Jim's family in Northern Virginia. We had a wonderful time, and it was nice to have a full house for the holiday. Jason was so happy to have his family for Thanksgiving!! We missed Danny and Erin who were in Mississippi and couldn't be with us. On Friday after Thanksgiving, Jason and I planned a surprise and took everyone to the Sight and Sound Theatre in PA for a Christmas show. Debbie seems to think she is the master of surprises, however, we got her good!!!! She had NO idea what we had planned but figured it out once we were on the road toward PA. She was also not happy that EVERYONE knew except for her. The other surprise was the my mom and her sister met up with us, and they came to the show as well. I was very excited to see my family too! We had a wonderful time and the show was fantastic!!! It was such a large production with 3 stages, and animals running through the aisles. It was a great way to start off the Christmas season. We had a great holiday and we were happy to see everyone and pull off a few surprises while we were at it.
Jim, Debbie, Jason, and I in front of the angel tree at the theater.
Debbie, Wes, Lauren, Jim and I.
The beautiful angel tree.
Random pictures from the weekend.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Kristy's Bragging Rights
I hate to brag, but I'm taking complete and total credit for this one:) On Tuesday, I called Jason after work, because I got tickets on stub hub, to the Capitals Flyers game for that night for $40! Not only were the tickets super cheap, but they were for the Lexus corporate box suite! Someone was trying to dump off their tickets for Tuesday night's game. Jason was so excited. We had our own 16 seat suite complete with our own personal waitress, our own bathroom, a kitchen, and leather easy chairs. We had a wonderful time and we will probably never get tickets like that again.
Jason in front of the Lexus Suite. Our view of the ice.
Jason and I before game time.
A view of part of the suite.
The kitchen.
Jason ....still very very happy.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Time!!!!

The Pumpkin Professionals:)
This weekend Jason and I also decided to carve pumpkins. We know we will have tons of kids trick or treating in our neighborhood so we needed to bring our pumpkin carving A game.
Jason scooping out the yuck!
Our huge mess, since we were trying to save all of the seeds to roast them.
Almost done:)
The finished product! The finished product with the full effect. Yay for self timed pictures!
Jason's scary man pumkin.
Kristy's Trick Or Treat Skull.