Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Cooper!!!!!!

I can't believe that Cooper is already a year old. He has brought us so much joy over the last year and we are so blessed to have him. We love watching him grow and learn new things every day. He is also developing quite the personality and he is quid the character. I think we are in big trouble.

For his birthday party we went to Waynesboro for the Memorial Day picnic. We had lots of friends and family there and we had a blast. Mimi and Pops, and Uncle Wes came in for the party too. Cooper is such a lucky little boy that he was able to have both sets of grandparents there for his celebration. He had his first trip in the pool and his first cake smash. We did rubber ducks as his theme for his party because that is his favorite toy. He was very spoiled and had a blast...just what a 1st birthday should be!

Pool Time!

Party Decorations

 Hanging out with grandad

 All the grandparents

 With Uncle Wes

Cake Smash Time!

 Mmmmmm Delicious

 He decided to start feeding cake to my dad. It was hilarious.

 I LOVE this picture.... might be one of my favorites

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