Monday, December 23, 2013

Trueblood Christmas Morning

Since Jim and Debbie and Wesley were here we pretended like Saturday was Christmas. We had a yummy Christmas Eve dinner and a wonderful Christmas Day breakfast. We had a great time watching Cooper open presents. What a spoiled little boy!!!! He got the hang of ripping open packages way too quickly!

Good Morning!!!!

Cooper, checking out the presents.

Santa was a little out of control this year....

 love this face....hanging with Uncle Wes.

Yum...Wrapping paper.

Mimi and Pops opening their joint gift from me, Jason, Cooper, Danny, Erin, Emmy, and Cameron:)

Cooper man was tuckered out and napping
Playing with Mimi

Look at that living room!!!!!!

Cooper with Mimi in his new wagon
Beep Beep!!! 

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