Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Meeting Flash

We weren't sure how Flash was going to react to having another person in the house. We figured he would either be very protective or be a big jerk and misbehave to get attention. You never know with this pup. We have been amazed at how great Flash is with Cooper. We already have Cooper down on the floor with Flash. Flash is extremely protective of Cooper, very interested in everything he does, and follows him everywhere and lays next to him whenever he can. Flash has been so calm and SO good. He loves this little man!

 Meeting Cooper outside for the first time. He was very interested.

 Watching Cooper while he sleeps.
 My boys! What a handsome bunch.
 Nap time!
Tummy Time....which Cooper HATES!!!!! The doctor said to start doing it though even if he pitches a fit.

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