Saturday, January 21, 2012

Worst Blogger EVER!!!


I have been such an awful blogger and I am horribly behind. I finally realized that I haven’t blogged since the end of OCTOBER!!!! I suppose all of our traveling, Jason and I both in school, the holiday season, and my holiday concerts caught up with me. So, here are some of the highlights from Halloween weekend (yes, 3 months ago) and I will try to do better!!!!

For Halloween weekend we went to Connecticut with Jason’s family for his cousin Danielle’s wedding. Little did we know that there was going to be a blizzard in October. Good thing Jason and I unpacked my car and packed the Pilot the morning that we left. Danielle and Frank had a beautiful yet slightly drama filled wedding with all of the weather that no one was planning on. We are so happy for them and we were so glad that they were able to have the wedding despite the blizzard.


Some pictures of the snow from the car. Doesn’t Jason look nice cleaning off the car in the middle of the road in his suit??


The beautiful wedding.


1 comment:

ltrueblood87 said...

Slightly drama filled....? More like jam packed with drama! So excited to see all the new pictures! Don't worry I haven't blogged since September so I'm definitely a worse blogger!