Saturday, May 14, 2011

Florida Trip (Family Pictures)

This past weekend, we went to Florida for Lauren and Kevin’s wedding. It was beautiful and we had a great time! We were definitely tired when we got back though. I’m sure everyone else is recovering too. It was so great to see everyone for the weekend and it was especially awesome to meet our nephew Cameron, for the first time. He is such a cool little guy! We absolutely love him!

Thursday we took family pictures. I can’t wait to see the real ones, but here are a few that I took.



Cameron riding to the beach for pictures. He’s so happy!


The four Trueblood kids.


Trueblood Kids and Kevin.



Look at the handsome Trueblood boys.


Danny, Erin, and Cameron…what a pretty family.


Lauren and Kevin.


Erin said...

I'm totally stealing your pictures! I love the one of the boys!

Kristy Trueblood said...

I know!!!! They're pretty handsome. Can't wait to see the real ones.