Monday, November 1, 2010


We love Halloween in our neighborhood. We had about 250 Trick or Treaters again this year. Flash was a hit. All the kids wanted to pet him and he was so good. Jason and I had fun sitting outside with our pizza handing out candy. I even broke out my snuggie from Wes since it was 30 degrees! 

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I think we’re about pumpkined out! In the morning we did pumpkin pancakes, we carved our pumpkins, roasted the seeds and made a pumpkin pie.


Our Boxer pumpkin!



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Outside before the candy grab started.


Flash waiting for the kiddies.


This is the cutest picture. A kid, dressed like a dog absolutely loved Flash. He put his whole candy bag down and started unloading it giving his candy to Flash. He was SO cute. He didn’t even care about getting more candy, he was trying to give Flash a Rice Krispie Treat.


1 comment:

Erin said...

I seriously think that you guys are pumpkin carving professionals! How do you do that?? They look awesome!