Monday, November 1, 2010

House Updates

Last weekend my mom and her friend came up to visit. Her friend, Kim, is an interior designer and as our wedding gift she told us she would come and look at our home when we get it somewhat established and show us some ways to move things around to give us more space. Jason and I hated the couch that was in the living room and the way we set up the living room. and we wanted an inexpensive way to change it up and make it look nicer. We made a few small changes that we thought made a big difference. We added some large pictures on the walls,covered the grandma old lady sofa, moved some furniture that was downstairs, upstairs, and added more family pictures. Although we are still working on it, it is much better and we were very happy with some of the changes we made.


Before pictures of the living room.

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After pictures. It is still a work in progress, we still need rugs and a few other things.








After…just a few small changes.


We love Halloween in our neighborhood. We had about 250 Trick or Treaters again this year. Flash was a hit. All the kids wanted to pet him and he was so good. Jason and I had fun sitting outside with our pizza handing out candy. I even broke out my snuggie from Wes since it was 30 degrees! 

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I think we’re about pumpkined out! In the morning we did pumpkin pancakes, we carved our pumpkins, roasted the seeds and made a pumpkin pie.


Our Boxer pumpkin!



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Outside before the candy grab started.


Flash waiting for the kiddies.


This is the cutest picture. A kid, dressed like a dog absolutely loved Flash. He put his whole candy bag down and started unloading it giving his candy to Flash. He was SO cute. He didn’t even care about getting more candy, he was trying to give Flash a Rice Krispie Treat.
