Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This weekend, Jason and I decided that they mess of our current entertainment situation had to go! So, we bravely decided to drill through the wall and run out cords through the wall. This would have been an easy project if we had a good stud finder. However, Jason and I purchased the $9.99 special from Home Depot which was not exactly accurate, so we drilled and prayed. Everything worked out well and we are so much happier with our downstairs.
Jason...a little worried but ready to drill.
Pulling the cords through. Flash loves to help and be in all the action.
So, here is what we had before which is pretty much dreadful. I hated all of the cords everywhere. We didn't have an actual entertainment console so we used what we had. Junk junk everywhere. Needless to say it is much better now.Cords through the wall. Now we just hope that everything still works.
The finished product...complete with Flash ears.

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