Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flashy takes singing lessons

So obviously you all are going to think that Jason and I have nothing to do, but honestly we thought this was hilarious. Since I'm getting geared up for school, we figured it was about time Flashy had some singing lessons. He's doing well but still seems to fall a little flat...perhaps he will be singing Jingle Bells at Christmas....a music teacher can only hope:)

Wes goes to college!!!!!

Last weekend, Jason and I drove to Charlotte to surprise Wes while he was moving into college. He says he wasn't that surprised, so Jason and I think he perhaps got that gene from someone else in his family who likes to figure out surprises...ahem...Debbie...Anyway, we had a wonderful trip visiting everyone and it was crazy to see little Wes going to college! UNC Charlotte was such a nice school, Jason and I would have gone there in a heartbeat, well we would go to any college in a heartbeat because college is better than the real world. However, he did have a really nice room and lots of cool stuff there to keep him entertained.
Jim looks pretty pumped!
Wes and Debbie.
In front of the student union, which was really nice!
Wes, relaxing in the new pad.
In one of Wesley's classrooms, unfortunately the chairs look very uncomfortable. No sleeping during class.
All of us in Wesley's room.
Jim, Debbie, and Wes in front of the school entrance.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More house projects

I am trying to get everything I can done before I go back to work on Monday. Today I hung much needed window treatments in the living room. Jason helped me hang the rods but I did the curtains today during the day. We our very proud of our do it yourself projects lately.
Before pictures.
After pictures.

Flash Vs. Sprinkler

Jason and I have been a little worried about the Flash man lately. We took him to the vet and he has a disease called Panosteitis. This basically means that he is growing too fast and his bones are swelling. This is something that he will grow out of eventually, but it is painful when it flares up. He has been laying around a lot lately, but last night he seemed to be feeling much better. He was running around and attacking the sprinkler. We were so excited to see him being playful again!
Flash was victorious and actually temporarily broke the sprinkler. Once this happened he was no longer interested and he was a wet, muddy, nasty pup.


This weekend, Jason and I decided that they mess of our current entertainment situation had to go! So, we bravely decided to drill through the wall and run out cords through the wall. This would have been an easy project if we had a good stud finder. However, Jason and I purchased the $9.99 special from Home Depot which was not exactly accurate, so we drilled and prayed. Everything worked out well and we are so much happier with our downstairs.
Jason...a little worried but ready to drill.
Pulling the cords through. Flash loves to help and be in all the action.
So, here is what we had before which is pretty much dreadful. I hated all of the cords everywhere. We didn't have an actual entertainment console so we used what we had. Junk junk everywhere. Needless to say it is much better now.Cords through the wall. Now we just hope that everything still works.
The finished product...complete with Flash ears.

Highland County

After Shelley's shower, I traveled literally over the river and through the woods to Highland County, VA. Every year I travel out there and do a dance camp for their high school dance team. Highland County is a very small town...very very small. Everyone knows everyone, commercial stores or shopping and I had to go over 4 giant mountains to get there. Highland County is beautiful and I love going there every year. It is nice to get away from all the traffic and the people there are so nice. Unfortunately, since it is a small town it is difficult to get help when there is an emergency. We had a bit of a scare and had to call 911 during the first dance rehearsal while I was the adult in charge. I don't handle medical emergencies well especially in a town that doesn't have an emergency room. The closest ER was 45 minutes away and it took the ambulance 30 minutes to get there since they have to page volunteer in their homes to take the call. Highland is a small town but it is very spread out. Everything ended up okay and we ended up having a good camp.
This is the town sheriff on a tractor...yep that's right! I thought this picture was priceless!
Pictures with the varsity team. Unfortunately we didn't get one with the JV team.
Pictures of rehearsal.

Shelley's Bridal Shower

Last weekend I went to Waynesboro for my friend Shelley's bridal shower. My mom and three of her good friends gave the shower, and boy did they work hard! They did such an awesome job putting everything together, and it was beautiful.
The fabulous ladies who did so much work and made so much yummy food! Kay, Sharon (Bekah's mom), Donna, and my mom.
Shelley, opening gifts. She and Bryan got lots of awesome stuff.
The HUGE table of food. They made everything and they sure know how to throw and awesome shower and feed a crowd.
Diane, Bonnie and Debbie (Shelley's mom)
Carly, Shelley's niece...such a cutie and getting so big!
Shelley with her bouquet of bows.