Monday, June 30, 2014

Goodbye Harpers Way

 We made our last visit to Harpers Way the day before closing. This has been a long process but we are so happy with where we are. It was a little bittersweet to go through our first house for the last time. A lots has happened here! This is the house we came home to on our honeymoon, it is the house we brought Flash too, and it is the house we brought our baby home to from the hospital. It has been a great house and we have had so many wonderful experiences and firsts in this house as a family. It is definitely time for us to move on with our growing family!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Horse Farm

 We have all kinds of awesome things to look at in our new house including a beautiful horse farm that backs up to our backyard. Cooper loves to go down to the fence and look at the horses!!!! He always says OOOHHHHHHH!!!!! 


House Projects

Finally I am out of school!!! This was definitely the school year that wouldn't end. I finally had my first day for summer vacation on June 23rd. Now that I am out of work we have some time to get started on some house projects. Things get a lot easier in the Trueblood house when I stay home and I can't wait to spend some time with my boy!

 Jason replaced the dishwasher!!!! I was a little afraid that we would have a Tim Taylor situation and something would flood or blow up but he did a great job!

 This is my summer project. I have been working to create a play space for Cooper in the basement. I wanted to paint a fun mural on the wall with magnetic paint so he could put cars, trucks, and planes on the wall. This is the starting sketch of the mural

 Road is done with all of the transportation vehicles sketched out.
 More progress

 All done!!!!

Landscaping...ugh!!!!! The people that owned the house before us I think made it a personal challenge to put in the most ridiculous and non-user friendly landscaping possible. I now have inherited 65 rose bushes! Who has 65 rose bushes???? Apparently this girl. I have called landscaping companies to ask about removing them etc. and they literally laugh at me when I tell them what I am trying to take out. We decided to start small and take out 4 trees... Ha ha!
 before can see the house!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Really???!!!! We are in so much trouble....

This child is busy busy busy!!!! He moves constantly and is into EVERYTHING!!!! Maybe teaching zumba until 39 weeks was a bad idea for getting my child to sit still in the long run. 
 I am so glad we have these nice big windows that go all the way to the floor so Cooper can blow bubbles on them!!!! I don't think these windows will ever be clean with Flash and Cooper...oh boy!

 We LOVE climbing. Better yet, we love stacking things and then climbing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Some House Pictures Finally

I have been so bad about posting pictures of our house. I don't think I even took hardly any before we moved furniture in. Oh well!!!!! We have been busy and I guess I didn't stop to think about taking pictures. Here are some from about a week or 2 after eek moved in. Better late than never right?

Deck and pond

Formal living room and MY PIANO!!!!! I have missed it so much!!!!
Dining room
Living room


Monday, June 9, 2014

A Weekend Out and Lots of Cuteness

We have been so busy and we have had so much company, which is great, Jason and I just haven't had any time lately to do anything as a family, or do anything to kind of relax. We have either been unpacking boxes, cleaning, organizing, or working on the yard. For Father's Day Weekend, we decided to go out for a picnic as a family to a winery that is 5 minutes from our house. We had a wonderful day and it was so nice to get out of the house as a family!

 Lots of fun things to explore

 Love this face!!!!

 He is such a happy baby