Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cooper Update

Cooper has still been sick. He has had a fever for about 3 weeks now, which has been really difficult with us both working and no one sleeping. Thank goodness for my parents!!!! They came up to help us because we obviously can't take 3-4 weeks off of work. They were life savers! At about the 3 week point we had been to the doc several times and the fever was still continuing, so the doctor ordered blood work. I was certainly not prepared for that! I was thinking it would be a heel prick like the PKU test. Unfortunately it was not. Jason and I had to hold him down while the took his blood from his arm. It took FOREVER and we thought they were going to have to stick the other arm! Cooper was crying, I was was not good! That poor tech had to deal with 2 babies...I was worse than Coop. They found out that he is a little anemic and his inflammation rate was a little high. So they put him on Iron and Infant Vitamins, which have now upset his tummy and made him sick. Needless to say, we are still not sleeping and going on 4 weeks with a sick baby, which is no fun! Hopefully he will get better and be on the mend soon!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm so sorry. That sounds horrible. I hope things are getting better!