Monday, October 21, 2013

Scott and Cheryl's Wedding

This weekend Jason and I had our first night away from Cooper. We went to our friends Scott and Cheryl's wedding in New Jersey. We missed Cooper terribly but had a great time seeing all of our friends from JMU. On Friday night my college roommate Erin and her fiancé Jason flew in from Chicago. They came to visit us the night before the wedding so they could meet Cooper. My parents came up and kept cooper for the night while we were gone. We had a super crazy weekend, we picked Jason and Erin up from the airport on Friday, drove to New Jersey for the wedding on Saturday and then Danny, Erin, Cameron, Emmy, and Nala came to visit on Sunday before they go to Italy. Crazy crazy weekend!
Erin brought Cooper a mustache pacifier! So funny!

 Me with Mike and the Jasons:)

Me and Erin. So good to see her!!!!

Erin and Jason

Mr. and Mrs. Pober

The whole JMU crew!

1 comment:

ltrueblood87 said...

You guys look amazing!!! and the mustache pacifier is ridiculous! So cute!