Monday, July 1, 2013

Random Pictures of Cooper

I can't believe that Cooper is already 4 weeks old. He is doing so well. He is a great sleeper and he is a very happy baby. He has changed so much and I think he looks like Jason more every day. I looked at my baby pictures and they look exactly like Cooper but as he gets older and changes, he looks more and more like his daddy.
Cooper has definitely found his hands in the last 2 weeks. He is grabbing everything and waving his hands like a wild man. He actually fell asleep like this the other day and we thought these pictures were hilarious. 
Hanging out with his buddy Flash.
 Giving the shifty eye.

This past weekend Jason and my dad went to the AT&T National PGA Golf Tournament at Congressional. Although Cooper stayed home, Jason thought he needed to wear his golf outfit and look the part.

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