Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun Pictures

Quick Visit From Mimi, Pops, and Wesley

 Mimi, Pops, and Uncle Wesley stopped by for a very quick visit on their way home from New York to get a quick baby fix. We wished they could have stayed a little longer, but maybe next time! It was great for Cooper to get some time with him since he has already changed so much.

Snuggling with Flash

Flash is doing so well with Cooper and he is so good with him. However, sometimes when Cooper cries, I think Flash wonders when we are taking this new toy back to the store. Flash gets a little jealous sometimes but he has definitely become the protector for sure.

Lots of Smiles

Cooper is changing so much. It is so exciting to see him tracking with his eyes and smiling at people. He is such a happy baby and a good sleeper too! He smiles all the time. 

 Loves snuggling with daddy!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Playing and More Tummy Time

 We had lots of fun on our 4th of July road trip, but we were glad to get home and have some time with just our family before the work week started. We had some much needed playtime with Cooper.

Hanging out with dad.

 Playing with his baseball rattle.

4th of July Weekend

 This week, Jason and I braved our first road trip with Flash and Cooper. It is amazing how much more junk you have to pack with a kid! We went to Waynesboro because my parents had their annual picnic with all of our really good family friends and all of their kids. It was a great time for everyone to get to meet Cooper, and the doctor said he could go in the pool too, although he probably wouldn't like it. It was so much fun to see everyone and see all of the kids running around and playing in the pool. I am sure Cooper will be that big before we know it. It was definitely a full house with about 20 people and 2 dogs. Bekah and Doug brought their new addition to their family. They just got a new golden puppy named Sugar. She is so cute and so sweet. Flash was super excited to have a little friend to play with too. Cooper and Flash both got tons of attention and were exhausted after our trip and were both fantastic travelers. We survived our first road trip with a baby and the only think we forgot was the receiver to the monitor! Good thing we were all staying in one room! 
 My dad found Cooper a turtle wet suit that has a hood with eyes on it. Ridiculous! Of course he had to wear it! It's probably going to be one of those outfits that he might hate us for when he is a teenager, but oh well!
 Jason swimming with Sugar.

 Jason and Carley.
 Cooper going for his first dip in the pool. He absolutely hated it! It was way too cold!!!

Angry baby!

Family picture after his swim. Not a happy camper! We are also obviously new parents who haven't seen the sun in a while! Sheesh!

 Aunt Connie and Carley with Cooper

 Kendall and James

 Playing with Bekah and Doug's new golden puppy, Sugar.

 All the kids playing with Doug. I think Doug was tired after the party too.

 Happy 4th of July!

 Cooper with Connie and Rick.

I think Cooper was done with family pictures.

First family picture with all 4 of us. We will definitely have to try again because we have a crying baby and a dog with ADHD. Too many that won't cooperate now for photos.

Monday, July 1, 2013

One Month Doctors Appointment

 Today we had Cooper's one month appointment. It is so hard to believe that we have had him for a month already. He is doing great and he is 9 lbs. 4 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long. He also had to get a Hepatitis B shot today, which was not fun:(

Tummy Time

 Cooper is picking his head up and is almost holding his head up by himself!

Flash decided to join in on tummy time too!