Sunday, March 10, 2013

29-30 weeks

 I am almost 30 weeks and feeling great. My ribs aren't hurting and I'm not swollen..YAY!!!! I don't have much to complain about at all, which is wonderful. Other than having more trouble getting off of the couch and getting out of my car with all of my school bags, I feel pretty amazing for 3rd trimester. We are definitely coming down the home stretch and I am sure he will be here before we know it. My belly is definitely getting bigger quickly. There is a big different from 3 weeks ago. We are getting the nursery finished up, we have finished our birthing classes, and we did our hospital tour this weekend. He is kicking and moving a lot. Jason thinks he is the "baby whisperer" because every time he is moving, Jason puts his hands on my tummy and Cooper stops. It is so funny. Either Jason is going to be able to put him to sleep  easily, or Cooper going to do the opposite of what Jason wants him to do....we can't figure out which one.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You look awesome and the room is precious!!!
Can't wait to see our little Cooper all snuggled into his bed.