Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

This year we had a pretty low key Easter. We like low key these days! My parents came up to visit, help us with a few things before Cooper gets here, and to go to church with us.

Easter belly pictures. Looks like I ate all of the Easter eggs this year!

32-33 Weeks!

32 Week Growth Ultrasound

This week we had our last ultrasound with lots of good news to report. Cooper is now 4 pounds and right on target. He flipped and is no longer breech which is great news too! The doctor said that everything looks perfect and that I have no restrictions as of now. All of his growth was right on target and he was in the 50th percentile for growth, which is exactly where they want him. So, we are done with the high risk doctor and the endocrinologist. This is also the last time we get to see him until we get to meet him, unless something goes wrong and they feel like they need to do another ultrasound. The doctor also gave us some 3D pictures which was awesome. It was so wonderful getting to see his face. It is amazing what they can see with technology now. They did the best they could with the pictures but a few of them have his hand by his face or the umbilical cord by his face, which distorts the photo a little since the 3D ultrasound is so sensitive. Regardless, we got some pretty awesome pictures to look at and we can't wait to meet our son!

 2D Profile pictures.

3D Pics!

 These 2 are a bit distorted because he has his hand by the side of his face.

 A little SMILE!

 I know...tons of pictures, but they are so cute!!!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ambushed Again

 At Zumba this week, I got ambushed again and my class threw me a little baby shower. I had no idea!!!!! Either people are really really sneaky or I am oblivious to everything going on around me. We worked out and then got to eat cupcakes....what a great gym class right???? Everyone has been so kind and generous to us and our little boy. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such kind giving people!

Cute baby things!

A few of the ladies in my class who threw the baby shower.

31 Weeks and St. Patty's Day

31 weeks and still feeling great. I am starting to feel like a turtle on my back with this belly! Cooper is kicking up a storm and moving constantly. We can't wait to meet the little guy. Next week we go for our growth ultrasound to see if he is still breech and to get a closer look at how big he is and whether they are thinking that he will be here on time. Hopefully we will be getting some 3D pictures done at the doc at that time too. 

 For St. Patty's day we has an awesome Irish dinner with neighbors. We had corned beef, Irish car bomb cupcakes and Irish soda bread. Yum!!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

An Awesome Weekend

 For my birthday weekend we decided to spend the day outside. It was 70 degrees! It is hard to believe that just 3 days ago we had a blizzard in the forecast and I got the day off of school. We had beautiful weather. We went out to one of our favorite places, Casanel, in Leesburg. Obviously, Jason got to do the wine drinking, but I still got to sit outside with my boys and have an awesome picnic and a great day. We weren't the only ones happy about the weather, Flash was pretty happy rolling in the grass and laying in the sun too. It was a great birthday!

Enjoying the weather.

Out at the gazebo.

Cooper's Room Finished!

 Cooper's room is finished. We hung up the pennants and the picture frames. The picture frames have our pregnancy announcement picture and ultrasound pictures in them for now, but soon we will have some baby pictures to hang on the wall. We were really happy with the way the room turned out, especially considering the small space we were working with. Can't wait to have a little baby in there too!


29-30 weeks

 I am almost 30 weeks and feeling great. My ribs aren't hurting and I'm not swollen..YAY!!!! I don't have much to complain about at all, which is wonderful. Other than having more trouble getting off of the couch and getting out of my car with all of my school bags, I feel pretty amazing for 3rd trimester. We are definitely coming down the home stretch and I am sure he will be here before we know it. My belly is definitely getting bigger quickly. There is a big different from 3 weeks ago. We are getting the nursery finished up, we have finished our birthing classes, and we did our hospital tour this weekend. He is kicking and moving a lot. Jason thinks he is the "baby whisperer" because every time he is moving, Jason puts his hands on my tummy and Cooper stops. It is so funny. Either Jason is going to be able to put him to sleep  easily, or Cooper going to do the opposite of what Jason wants him to do....we can't figure out which one.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cooper's Room

Cooper's room is still a work in progress, but we started putting some things up on the wall, we got the crib skirt made and put it on, and also put up the window treatments. We still have some other things to finish but it is getting there.

 Shelves and madras window treatments.

 My mom was looking in their attic last week and they found a bag full of old baseball pennants that belonged to my grandparents. There were tons of them, most probably from the 1930's. We found a Frederick Keys pennant and also a Washington Senators and a Boston Red Sox pennant that we are going to hang up. Very cool addition to the nursery that we weren't planning on having. 

 Louisville Slugger

 Crib skirt
We still have some picture frames and the pennants to hang up, so more to come later.