Monday, January 21, 2013

23 Week Belly

We are 23 weeks in and things are going very well! He is kicking a lot now and his kicks are getting stronger every day. Jason finally got to feel him kick about 2 weeks ago. I am feeling good so far and we are getting excited. We have nursery ideas picked out and we went shopping for lots of baby things this past week. Everything is going really well. I go in for my 24 week appointment next week, which will be my last monthly appointment. We start going every 2 weeks once I hit my 3rd trimester. It is going by so fast and my belly is growing fast too. We couldn't be more excited! Of course...Flash needed to be in the picture. He better get all the attention he can get now!

1 comment:

Erin said...

You are so tiny still! You look great!