Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This weekend we worked SOOOOOO hard on getting the nursery together. We also decided that our little man is going to be Cooper James Trueblood. Cooper was my grandmother and grandfather's last name and we used Jason's dad's name for his middle name. We love it! Since his name is Cooper, we decided to do baseball as our theme for the nursery since the baseball hall of fame is in Cooperstown, NY.
We got so much done this weekend, it's actually kind of unbelievable. My parents came to visit and help out since I can't move furniture. We were so thankful to have their help. We moved the queen bed and all of the current furniture out, we repainted the room, put up a chair rail, put the crib together, put the changing table together, reorganized closets, and put the glider together, and I think I need a nap! We still have lots to do but it is a great start and we were so pleased with the way the room turned out.

Repainting the yellow room.

Changing table
Baby Crib

Wall decals...this was much more difficult than expected. It took forever!!!! I don't know whether I got a cheapo decal or what but it definitely didn't work the way it was supposed to. At the end it worked out fine, but it was TEDIOUS!!!!

Hand painting the baseball stitches.


Monday, January 21, 2013

23 Week Belly

We are 23 weeks in and things are going very well! He is kicking a lot now and his kicks are getting stronger every day. Jason finally got to feel him kick about 2 weeks ago. I am feeling good so far and we are getting excited. We have nursery ideas picked out and we went shopping for lots of baby things this past week. Everything is going really well. I go in for my 24 week appointment next week, which will be my last monthly appointment. We start going every 2 weeks once I hit my 3rd trimester. It is going by so fast and my belly is growing fast too. We couldn't be more excited! Of course...Flash needed to be in the picture. He better get all the attention he can get now!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


 We traveled to Bryce for a night to see my parents, Pete, Debbie, Cam, Mike, their twins, and Shelley and Bryan. It was only about an hour drive for us and we wanted to tell everyone our great news about our little boy.
 While we were there there we did some wine tasting. I drove everyone and ate the cheese plate:)

Cave Ridge Vineyard

 Cam, Mike, Kendall, and Carley

 Beautiful VA wine country in the snow.

 North Mountain Vineyard.

 Some pictures of the beautiful twins. They are too cute!

20 week Belly

 Over Christmas I popped! I went from most of my pants fitting to only about 3 pairs fitting. My doctor told me at 16 weeks that I should start putting on about a pound a week. That seemed like a lot! However, I think my belly is getting a little bigger everyday. The little man is moving more and more too. Jason hasn't gotten to feel him yet, but I feel him all the time. He especially likes to rock out during zumba class. So far I am still feeling good and I have my energy....and boy am I glad to be feeling better and over the bronchitis!

Baby Boy Trueblood: Gender Reveal

Since Jim and Debbie were in town when we found out the gender of the little guy,  we wanted to do something fun and special since they don't get to be here for very much. We decided to get a cake with colored filling and them have them cut the cake to find out what the baby was.
 The mystery cake...
 Look at the iPad, we even got Uncle Kevin in on the action all the way overseas and Aunt Erin from Phoenix.

 Blue filling! Baby boy!
 Mommy was hungry and needed some cake since our appointment was at lunchtime!

Anatomy Scan

While Jim and Debbie were here we had our anatomy scan and found out that Baby Trueblood is Baby BOY Trueblood. I was totally wrong! I thought it was a girl. Neither one of us cared one way or the other. Now we are super excited to start planning and picking out nursery things. At the appointment they checked his spine, brain, kidneys, heart valves, sex organs, liver, stomach, and all of the pathways getting blood to his major organs. He has 10 fingers and 10 toes too. The doctor says he looks great and he weighs 12 ounces and is about 6 or 7 inches long right now. We are so excited! Those golf clubs he got for Christmas are going to come in handy one day!

Baby T- This is the best profile they could get while we were there. He kept moving around and they couldn't get a good shot. The doctor and the nurse started laughing because they had me roll on my side to get him to move because he kept putting his hand over his face. The nurse said "come one little guy, we need to get a picture," and with that, he rolled over and waved his hand at us and then rolled back the other way. The doctor said that definitely doesn't happen very often. We might have a clever little troublemaker on our hands.

Boy parts...sorry little dude!

More Fun in the Snow

 We got even more snow the day after Christmas. We were snowed in and did nothing all day. It was nice! We got about 3 more inches of snow and the dogs loved it. They played out in the snow most of the day. We are glad Dakota got to come up north and see snow for the first time. I think she liked it.
We got some great shots of the dogs outside in action having fun.

Chasing a snowball.

 Dakota can JUMP!

A snow covered face.

Christmas Day Photos

We got lots of good pictures of everyone in front of the tree on Christmas Day. We even got the pups to cooperate and Debbie got some much needed pictures of the dogs in stupid hats. I have to say, I am surprised they sat still long enough. As the pictures continued and more hats were used the dogs got more and more frustrated. Toward the end Debbie attempted to get a picture of both dogs sitting nice and still together with Christmas hats on...YEAH RIGHT! The dogs weren't having any of it.

 Lauren and Dakota Claus

 Flash and Dakota both got tortured with several hats. Doesn't he look happy!

Watch Debbie the dog whisperer try to get a picture of our cooperative puppies:)

 Group picture