Saturday, November 17, 2012

13 week ultrasound

We went to the high risk clinic for my ultrasound pictures and the 1st trimester screening tests this week. I think that this is the first time that Jason and I have gotten really really excited about baby T. We were always excited but very cautious and worrying a little about how things were going. Also, at my first ultrasound, the baby was a teeny little blob. It is hard to believe that you're actually having a baby when you see that and nothing has really changed. This time it looked like a real baby! We were so excited and we also got to see the baby move. Apparently we have a very very active baby. Baby T was rolling around, moving it's arms and legs, and flailing about. Already baby T is not wanting to cooperate while taking photos. When they got the picture the way they wanted it, baby would roll around. So I had to keep coughing to move the baby back around to get pictures.
I am feeling good and starting to take my first belly pictures. I am starting to get a little belly. First trimester is done and we will find out what the baby is on December 28th. We are so excited!!!!!

 Profile: We have decided that the baby already has by turned up nose:)

 Hand and arm

Baby belly!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love the belly picture!! It is so exciting! You got some amazing ultrasound pictures. What a sweet little baby :)