Sunday, September 16, 2012

JMU Reunion Weekend

 This weekend all of our JMU friends came in town for the JMU WVU game at FedEX field. We lost the game of course, playing against the #9 team in the nation, but it was awesome to see JMU play such a great team and at such a big field. We had an awesome time with everyone. Erin and her boyfriend Jason flew in from Chicago to see everyone. A lot of us hadn't see each other since our wedding, so it was great to catch up with everyone. Everyone came over to the house for dinner and a fire pit on Friday, and most of us went to the game on Saturday and tailgated.


 Me, Erin, and Cheryl
 Erin. Me, and Danielle

The group.


 Erin and "the Jasons"

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