Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grandma Freudenberg’s Surprise Party

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2 weeks ago we traveled to New Jersey to Jason’s Aunt Laurie and Uncle Ron’s house for grandma’s surprise party. All of her kids planned the party and it was a huge success. She had no idea that so many people were traveling to see her. I did not take many pictures at the party since Laurie is a photographer and she took tons of amazing pictures, so I must say that I took some of  them from Laurie’s facebook page for my blog.  The pictures and the party turned out great.

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Coming down the driveway to see the “art project” that Miranda and Brianna made for Aunt Debbie.334239_3929298844949_459567463_o

Everyone waiting at the bottom of the hill.




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Family Pictures.


Debbie giving her speech.

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Cake time! Such a cute cake for her 50’s themed party.

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House projects

Jason and I had the horrible idea of repainting our foyer. It needed it badly, but boy was that an awful job. Our foyer has 25 foot ceilings and we also has 8 doors to paint and all of the woodwork. Flash was less than thrilled with our idea and he kept wanting to play. He threw his bone off of the first story loft area and it landed in my paint on the basement floor. There was paint everywhere! I think I still have paint in my hair! Flash also got scared of the ladder and when he ran, he ran into the wet wall. There was a flash print on our wall and he had paint all over

We eventually got the painting done, but it was a long and difficult job. We just painted it white to cover up all of the chalky contractor paint. There was no way I was going to attempt painting the 25 foot wall in color. Besides, we have done enough color recently in the living room amd the red kitchen. Now we have the 25 foot ceilings going upstairs to the bedrooms to do. However I don't think I ever want to see a paint can again!

Jason and I decided that it was time to update
the guest bedrooms a little. When we first got married we got the cheapest bed in a bag we could find so that we had something on the beds. They didn't fit that great and they weren't very warm either. So we updated, put some different curtains up and added a few things. They are still in progress, need paint, and some stuff on the wall but we are getting there.

Guest bedrooms are ready for anyone who wants to visit:)

DIY summer projects

This summer I decided to do some DIY projects for the house with some pictures. I did some canvases and also refinished an antique window to use for a picture frame. Still all a work in progress, but i think they turned out pretty good so far.

Black and white canvases.

Sepia collage wall in out bedroom.

The old window. We used pictures from our vacation. This is going tomgo in one of the guest bedrooms. We are working on those now, so more to come.