Saturday, April 28, 2012

Charleston Visit

Since our plans for California at spring break changed because we have to go to CA for Nick’s wedding in August, we decided to take part of spring break to visit Lauren and Kevin since we haven’t been to their house. We had such a great visit with them and it was so nice to see their beautiful home and their precious new puppy. We were very lucky that we got to see little Dakota while we were there.



The weather was so nice, so we got to go to the beach. I also got to meet up with my 2 college roomies Jessie and Jamie while we were there. They came and spent the day with us on the beach. Jamie hasn’t changed a bit! It was so good to see them since it has been almost 2 year.


I promised I would put this on the blog. Kevin modeling Jamie’s several pairs of oversized sunglasses. They look so nice on him! So stylish too!

There was a back up on the bridge, so the roads were blocked and we got stuck at the beach at a restaurant…rough life right? Terrible being stuck at the beach. However, the pictures do get very random.



Lauren in the lovely bug sunglasses.



DAKOTA!!!!! She is so cute and such a good girl!



On our last day, we got to go on base with Kevin for a little tour which was a lot of fun. Jason loves playing in planes.



With the puppy before we left.



Erin said...

Looks like so much fun!

Debbie said...

We love the dog curled up on your backpack at your feet.