Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas Morning

I was a terrible photographer over Christmas break and I didn’t take a lot of pictures. Luckily Jason took some on Christmas morning. We had a great Christmas with my family in Waynesboro. We had Christmas Eve dinner with some of our best friends, the Lesters and the O’Dells before church. We opened presents and had a big delicious breakfast and then had Christmas Day dinner with Bekah O’Dell and her family, then headed off to Bryce Resort with the Shifletts. We had a great Christmas.




Dad’s Kindle and Jason’s running clothes!


Clearly spoiled. He even got a CAPS Jersey from my dad!


Earrings and my beautiful purse from Jim and Debbie.


Let’s Go Ravens!!!!


Garmin Running Watch from Jason.


Christmas morning mess.


Jason is pretty excited about his iPad!

1 comment:

J D C 009 said...

This is incredible - you did an amazing job!!! I have come some advice too about Bryce Resort. Thanks for sharing.....