Sunday, July 17, 2011

Suzy’s CPA/Going Away Party

This past weekend, my cousin Suzy had a party because she passed all of her CPA exams this first time, which is super difficult to do, and she is moving to Palm Coast Florida, and has gotten a great job there. We are sad to see her go, but I know this is going to be a great move for her and we definitely wish her the best. Love this girl, and will miss her a bunch!


Suzy and Tommy.


Me, my mom, Connie, and Suzy.


Kathy, my mom, me, Connie, Sofie, and Suzy.


Hanging out with baby Will.


Sofie, and Geoff.


Summer fun!

Flashy has been quite the social butterfly lately, going to the dog park, playing in the creek, and hanging out with DOG. He loves it when mom doesn’t have to work in the summer (Mom likes it too). He gets along with other dogs so well! He makes friends everywhere he goes. However, his listening skills are a little selective…perhaps that’s because he’s a boy…

The other day at the dog park there was a beautiful American Bulldog names Daisy. I think DOG and Flash both liked her very much. She was a pretty lady!!!!


Flash, D.O.G. and Daisy playing together,


Trueblood Camping Trip

We finally were able to get everyone in the Trueblood family (except for Kevin, we missed him very much) together outside of a huge family event. The Trueblood family has seriously been on the move the last 3 or 4 years and it seems like every time we get together, there is always something huge going on, and we never feel like we get to spend time with each other. It was so great to have a family trip with no distractions (except for the rain) where we could all have fun together.


Our first night in Brevard, NC roasting marshmallows. I was super excited because I got the huge triple sized marshmallows at the store before we went camping. You know…the kind of marshmallows that 3 year olds eat….yeah, I needed thoseSmile


Playing some serious board games.


While we were camping we got to go hiking to some pretty awesome waterfalls. So many great pictures from our hike. It was so much fun, probably my favorite day camping.








At the big falls. We had to do some climbing to get to this one, and we all got a little wet, but we had an awesome time.



We also got to go to this really great place for breakfast that overlooked the Smoky Mountains. The restaurant was on top on Mount Pisgah and the view was beautiful.




Hanging out with Cameron! He is so precious!!!!!


What an awesome nephew!!!!


The Extra Long Drive Camping

After Lauren came to visit, we all drove to NC to go camping with the entire Trueblood clan, minus KevinSad smile We thought  we wouldn’t have any trouble leaving on a Thursday, but little did we know that Thursday is apparently dynamite blasting day on I 81 in Roanoke. So…we sat in traffic FOREVER!!!! Jason was on a business call and Lauren and I got out of the car and were walking up and down the road trying to find a place to go to the bathroom since we were desperately afraid we were going to be there the majority of the day. People were getting out of their cars, going for walks, playing games, throwing football…needless to say it didn’t look good for us, especially for 2 ladies who needed a rest stop desperately. Eventually we got moving and made it to Bravard and had a great time with everyone.
