Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Sunday



The boys hanging out in the yard.

Easter weekend at the cabin

Every year we go to our friend’s cabin on the Saturday of Easter weekend. We hang out, play games, and have a big meal. This year things were a little more interesting….thus, the most bizarre blog post ever. When we pulled up there were 2 huge donkeys standing right in the middle of everyone. The cabin is in a huge field by the woods. The donkeys were a little concerning because they wanted to get in the action and wanted to play with everyone. Considering how they kick, this was a little concerning with dogs and children around…not to mention the cars. Flash took a special interest in the wild donkeys and decided he would be a punk and torment the donkeys. Flash didn’t realize that the donkeys were just as interested in him and they followed him everywhere.


The two donkeys standing with their heads over the cabin porch railings.


This post really is ridiculous. Here I am chasing a donkey away from the house with a huge stick.


Checking out the competition.




Playing with Carley and Kendall.


Flash did such a good job playing with Cameron and Mike’s twin girls. He is so good with the little ones. They were having a blast giving his extra treats and playing “catch” with him.


Flash playing bags and giving the donkey one last stare down.


The girls with their Easter eggs.


Easter Eggs


Our family friend Debbie Shiflett had the best idea for Easter eggs. We decorate eggs every year and try to do something different each year. This year we did blown eggs with decoupage. We used cocktail napkins, orgami paper, and tissue paper to do our eggs this year. We were really pleased with how they turned out.


Day out with Dad and Flash

Over spring break I went to Waynesboro to check on my mom, who had surgery. She is doing really well. While I was there, dad and I took Flash out to Veritas because it was such a nice day out and the scenery was beautiful.


The beautiful grounds at Veritas.


Beautiful view!

New York Trip


I am so very behind with my blogging! One of these days I will get caught up. At the beginning of April, Wesley came up to visit us and we went to New York City to see the new musical called The Book of Mormon, written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. I was so bad at remembering to get pictures, and didn’t get a single one of the 3 of us. We LOVED the musical. I think our sides hurt for days after from laughing so hard. We had such a great time.


The theatre.


The Macy’s flower show. Macy’s was SO crowded and there were plants and flowers on EVERYTHING. We went in planning on shopping, and walked out of the closest door we could find. It was a mad house.


Flashy was so happy to see Jason when we got home.