Saturday, February 12, 2011

More Snow!!!!

I am so very behind in my blogging. I don’t really have a good excuse except for the fact that our life isn’t all that interesting right now….and we’re okay with thatSmile We have had snow every week since Christmas. I really can’t complain, because this week was my first full week of school without a delay, or early closing since before Christmas. However, this is NOT good for the darling little children who crave a little structure in their lives. Let’s just say the teachers were pulling the little monkeys off the ceiling this week. We have gotten some ice and such, but not a very good accumulating snow that Flash could really go out and play in. Finally we got a good 6 inch storm and Flash was super confused! This was the first time he had every been outside when the snow was dumping. Once he decided it was okay, he had a lot of fun running around.


Digging and nose plowing.


A confused little face!!!!


Watching the snow fall in his favorite place.

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