Sunday, September 19, 2010

Danny and Erin come to Frederick

This weekend Danny and Erin came to Frederick to visit us. We were so excited for them to see our house and where we live. On Friday night we did a bushel of Maryland crabs. If you’re visiting Maryland, you have to do crabs and beer on the deck.



On Saturday we went to Leesburg for a winery tour. We went to two vineyards, Fabbioli Cellars and Casanel vineyard. The wine was great and it was a beautiful day to sit outside.


Fabbioli Cellars tasting room.


Jason, Danny, and I doing our tasting.


Outside Fabbioli cellars. They were harvesting grapes that day, which was fun to watch.


Sitting outside at Casanel vineyard. It was a beautiful day, and there was live music, so we got a bottle and a cheese plate and relaxed in the beautiful weather. Baby Trueblood got to listen to the music and enjoy the weather, but no wine for the little one:)

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Pictures out on the lake at Casanel.


With some strategic furniture moving, we were able to take a picture of all of us together.

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Unfortunately, Danny and Jason had a hard time hanging with the ladies on the wine tour and they pooped out on the way home.


Jason said...

We were tired from having to chase you two around....

ltrueblood87 said...

You guys look like you had so much fun!!! I wish I could have been there. I miss you guys! I can't wait till after December when I actually have some time to come visit! It is well over due