Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Birthdays

For our birthdays this year we went to our favorite restaurant in Madison called the Bavarian Chef. It is an awesome German restaurant. We had such a wonderful time.
Jason was awesome, he cooked a fantastic dinner and also got the stuff to make Godiva Chocolate martinis. He also sent me beautiful flowers on my birthday. Interestingly enough they were delivered to my room while I was teaching 3rd grade. That opened up a whole fabulous can or worms:) I got so many questions and comments. "Mrs. Trueblood has a boyfriend...ooohhhh!" It took me 15 minutes to calm them down. I explained that they were from my husband and they asked "who's your husband?" I told them, "Mr. Trueblood." I had one kid say, "Wow, can you believe that Mrs. Trueblood is married to Mr. Trueblood...that's crazy!!!"
Thanks to Wesley, Jason got to have a lovely evening on his birthday drinking a glass of wine in his precious!!!


Debbie said...

Oh Jason, You know how i know you are gay!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. this is not mom

Kristy Trueblood said...

Let me guess....Wes perhaps???