Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Aftermath of the Double Blizzard

Jason and I got about 5 feet of snow at our house after the double blizzard. We got 36 inches in the first blizzard and about 24 inches in the second blizzard with 50 MPH winds. I have missed 2 weeks of school and I still haven't gone back for a full day. Here are the pictures of the aftermath!
This is a picture of me standing in the snow in our yard.
No plows could got to our street in Frederick County because we ran out of county funded snow money during the first 36 inches of the blizzard. The neighborhood had to shovel the road.
Icicles of DEATH!!!
Our street.
You can't even see our front door.
This is our 7 1/2 foot fence in our backyard.

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