Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Sunday

Since things have been so busy lately we decided to chill out on Easter Sunday and do a whole lot of nothing. We made a nice dinner, and did Easter baskets, but that is about it. We also figured it was probably going to be the last nice dinner we had in the townhouse. 

 Our spoiled dog and his basket.

 Cooper's basket

 Some things from Mom and Dad and from Grammy A and Grandad...what a lucky little boy!

A new golf set is completely necessary, right?

It has really turned into a Flash whacking stick rather than a golf club.

 Last nice dinner in the townhouse:)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Some Springtime Cuteness

After we found out that Cooper had strep and an ear infection and also got the house ready for the open house that was cancelled, Cooper, Flash, and I headed to my parent's house. Jason played some golf for the weekend and tested out his new putter and utility club he got for his birthday. I decided that I would take some spring "Easter" pictures this weekend since I had no idea what we would be doing for Easter weekend. Might as well get them done while I can and while everyone is well since everything has been a little crazy lately. 

I love how he smiles with his whole face!!!

 Such a big boy!

Easter pictures in his new chair for the deck from Grammy A and Grandad

This is definitely my favorite picture of the weekend. His face is hilarious! He looks like absolute trouble!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Day This Will Be Funny

The last 3 weeks have been pretty crazy around here. One day I will look back and laugh, but I think we are too bus to laugh right now. During the last 3 weeks we have looked at tons of houses, gone out of town for 2 weddings, bought a house, put ours up on the market, packed boxes, gotten the house ready for photos, to show, and for an open house, trained for a half marathon, and we have had pink eye, the stomach bug, a sinus infection, 3 cases of strep throat (I got it twice and Cooper got it once), and an ear infection, and full-time jobs! WHEW!!!! We can also add to that list that we also sold our house. Good grief!
The funny part is that my mom came up to help me get out of dodge for the open house. We got the house all ready to show. The house went on the market at 5:00 on Thursday evening. We staged the house and worked our butts off to get everything ready to leave for the weekend so our realtor could show the house. On Friday during the day, our realtor said he was bringing a buddy by the house to check it out. We thought it was one of his colleagues who was helping with the open house on Sunday. We got a call, that the guy wanted to buy it! Our house was under contract before they could put the for sale sign up and the open house was cancelled. We are very lucky that we don't have to worry about showing the house and keeping it show ready during the work week. We are still waiting for a few contingencies and for the inspection, but hopefully all will go well.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Nice Weekend

Such a happy little boy!

This picture cracks me up. Cooper is like "uh, don't drop me dad"

Monday, April 7, 2014

House on the Market

This weekend we worked our butts off to get the house ready for photos, which was a challenge getting everything cleaned and staged with me having strep and a baby not feeling so hot. We managed to get it done by the time the photographers got there on Sunday. The house looked pretty good. Hopefully once we put it up on the market on Thursday, it will sell quickly.

It will definitely be hard to leave this house since we have done so much in our first home, but it is definitely time for us to move on and get some more space to spread out and raise our family:)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Angus Way

After lots of looking, frustration, and discouragement, we found our house!!!!!! Jason and I put an offer on this house the day after we saw it and it got accepted. The sellers have been wonderful! They are a little old couple who are moving to a retirement country club in Pennsylvania and were ready to get out SOON! We are closing on April 25th. Now we just have to get inspections done and sell our house! WHEW!!!! We absolutely LOVE it and we love the neighborhood. It is very quiet and the neighborhood is out in the boonies a bit, but we are very close to Frederick and all of the conveniences of the city are only about 10 minutes away. 

Front of the house
Master Bedroom and Bath

Living room and dining room

Additional bedroom

Deck and the yard....Flashy will have SOOOO much space.

Kitchen and sunroom