Friday, November 29, 2013

Cooper's Christmas Pictures

 This past weekend we went back to the photographer who took Cooper's newborn pictures for some Christmas photos. Unfortunately he has been sick for so long and was still not feeling great when we had them taken. He was pretty cranky the whole time. He was not a fan of smiling and pretty much just wanted to yank the Christmas tree down! Oh well! Kids don't always cooperate when you want them to. We still managed to get 2 cute ones:)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cooper Update

Cooper has still been sick. He has had a fever for about 3 weeks now, which has been really difficult with us both working and no one sleeping. Thank goodness for my parents!!!! They came up to help us because we obviously can't take 3-4 weeks off of work. They were life savers! At about the 3 week point we had been to the doc several times and the fever was still continuing, so the doctor ordered blood work. I was certainly not prepared for that! I was thinking it would be a heel prick like the PKU test. Unfortunately it was not. Jason and I had to hold him down while the took his blood from his arm. It took FOREVER and we thought they were going to have to stick the other arm! Cooper was crying, I was was not good! That poor tech had to deal with 2 babies...I was worse than Coop. They found out that he is a little anemic and his inflammation rate was a little high. So they put him on Iron and Infant Vitamins, which have now upset his tummy and made him sick. Needless to say, we are still not sleeping and going on 4 weeks with a sick baby, which is no fun! Hopefully he will get better and be on the mend soon!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Random Fun

 Cooper loves playing with daddy

 Cooper is starting to become so entertained by Flash. He loves to pet him, grab his ears and jowls and PULL!!!! Flash is such a trooper.

Little Scooter

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cooper's Dedication

On top of Cooper being sick we also had his dedication scheduled at church. The pastor in the church that I grew up in (also the pastor that married Jason and I) took another job and is leaving First Baptist. We wanted Cooper to be dedicated by David Washburn because our church in Frederick doesn't do "dedications". Also, we have a strong connection to that pastor since he did our wedding ceremony. So, since he was leaving, we had to hurry up and schedule a weekend before the middle of November when he was scheduled to leave. Little did we know we would have a sick baby. 
The week before Cooper has been to the doctor 2 times because he has had a high fever for about a week. They told us that it was a virus and to wait it out. Friday we were so thankful that he started getting better and his fever was down and everything would be fine for his dedication. We though things were looking up....WRONG!!!! As soon as we got out of the car at my parents house Cooper got SO sick, spiked a fever again, and became dehydrated because he couldn't keep anything down. We thought we were going to end up in the emergency room. By Saturday evening Cooper was looking better and appeared as though he would be able to make it through the church service. 

Luckily he did make it through the service without a peep. He did such a good job and he was SOOOO tired!!!! Notice we had to keep the pacifier in his mouth to keep him happy and keep him from melting down during the service. Cooper also looked super cute in his sports jacket, if I do say so myself:)

 Cooper, with Reverend Washburn

Family pictures right after church

Closing in on nap time....hurry with the pictures Mom!!!

Love this sweet face.

 My boys!

Look at that smile!

Checking out his new cool stuff. He got a blanket with his bible verse stitched on it and Jason and I got him a Children's Bible and had the pastor write a note in it. We also decided to buy a copy of "Oh The Places You'll Go" and have it signed and written in by people commemorating important milestones in his life, dedication, baptism, teachers at school, etc. and we plan to give it to him when he graduates.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Week

Unfortunately this year we kind of punted on Halloween. Cooper has been sick and not feeling well. We tried his Halloween costumes on him before Halloween to see if they would fit and we got a few pictures, but he never actually got to wear them because he was home sick all week and didn't go to daycare. Having a sick baby is HORRIBLE!!!! Cooper has been fighting the yuck pretty much since the week Danny and Erin were here to visit us. This week though, the congestion and yuck turned into a really bad fever and very sick baby:( Luckily we got some cute Halloween pictures even though we didn't get to participate this year:)

 Spot the dog!

What a cute puppy!

 So ferocious!!!!! Little Dragon! What 5 month old doesn't need 2 Halloween costumes?