Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trying to Crawl!!!!

Cooper is learning to scoot. He is moving all over the place and trying to crawl. He still refuses to sit up because he would rather roll around and move. Sitting still is not his forte...wonder where he got that from????

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fall Pictures and Other Randomness

We took some fall pictures with Cooper this weekend. What a cutie!

I love this picture so much. He looks JUST like his daddy!

Little pumpkin!

 Trying very hard to sit up! We are almost there! I am convinced that he will crawl before he sits up. He hates being folded in half and hates sitting still. I think we're in trouble!

Loves looking at the pictures in books during story time with daddy.

 Cute hat!

Grams and Gramps Come to Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Freudenberg drove down to visit us and their 3 great grandkids. What lucky kids! They also got to meet Emmy before they all move to Italy. We had a great visit with them and the kids got some good playtime in with Grams and Gramps. 

Planes and trains

  Best buds

 Crazy Flash

 Cooper and Cameron playing with Grams


Danny and Erin's Visit

Here are some pictures from Danny and Erin's pictures. We were pretty worried about Flash and Nala getting along since both of them are super protective of their new babies. However, they got along fantastically. As a matter of fact, I think they teamed up because they were tired of being ignored by their mommies and daddies and they were excited to have a playmate. The dogs were more well behaved than the kids!

Cameron, being a sweet big cousin.
 Coop and Emmy...Cooper was infatuated with Emmy. He just wanted to play with her!

Handsome boys

 Pictures of the kiddos

Meeting Emmy

This weekend Danny and Erin came to visit us with Cameron, Emmy, and Nala before they head to Italy. It was so great to spend some time with them, although it was definitely a crazy fly by trip. We were super excited because we got to meet our beautiful niece Emmy. She is such a cutie! It was so nice to get the kids together before they move. 

 Cutie Pie!