Sunday, February 17, 2013

3rd Trimester Perinatology Ultrasound

 On Friday we went to the Perinatologist for  our 3rd trimester check and ultrasound. They said everything looks amazing and the baby couldn't possibly look any better. He is right at the 50th percentile for growth and weight which is exactly where they want him. He is 2 pounds now. They checked all of his heart chambers, measured the arches in his aorta and also measured the incoming blood and outgoing blood to all of his organs. We got some good profile pictures this time since he had his hand in front of his face last time. However, he kept yawning and sticking his tongue out. This one is going to be trouble. We were so glad that everything looks great and we can't wait to meet the little guy. Currently he is breech. The doctor said that he may turn since he still has time and room. However, he may not, so the Perinatologist is going to see me one more time at 32 weeks and they will decide the likelihood of needing a C-Section at that point. He moves A LOT, so hopefully he will flip himself around.

Profile pictures with his hand by his face. Jason and everyone who has seen them already say that he has my turned up nose and my lip. ha ha!

 Leg bones and boy parts. Good thing they didn't change their mind on the gender or we would have a lot of work to do.

 More profile shots and a foot.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

26 weeks

26 weeks and going strong! I am still feeling great and we go for our 3rd trimester ultrasound tomorrow. However, guess who has curly hair now???? Me! This past week, my hair has decided to curl, very weird! I suppose strange things happen when you are pregnant. My belly is definitely getting bigger by the week and it is very exciting. More pictures of baby Cooper soon!

The Best Students!!!

 I have to brag because I have the best students in the world. My kids made my day yesterday. We had half days with kids on Wednesday and Thursday of this week because we work until 8 for parents teacher conferences. On the half days I always have a long after school rehearsal with my 11 5th graders in handbells. Well, my 5th graders had other plans. They ambushed the rehearsal and threw me a surprise baby shower. It was so cute. Apparently, they set up a meeting with our principal during their recess time several weeks before and they asked for his approval to "book" a room in the building so they could have a party. He made them write letters to their parents asking them for help. They brought in balloons, decorations, food, brownies, cupcakes, and baby gifts. It was such a kind and thoughtful party. They took their recess and their lunch period to decorate the room. They set a table so we could all sit and eat and they were totally sneaky. I had no idea!!!! They even cleaned up and then got everything ready so we could still rehearsal for 45 minutes. They tried really hard to behave too after all of the sugar they had. Needless to say we weren't very productive but they tried so hard and they absolutely made my day.

 Group hug!
 Opening my gift. All of the kids signed a copy of the book Giraffes Can't Dance, which is one of my favorites and they also got us a Babies R Us gift card and an Amazon gift card. So sweet!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Belly Picture 24-25 Weeks

My belly is definitely getting bigger every week. I can see a difference every week. This picture is between 24 and 25 weeks. I am feeling great and I can't complain, just a little stir crazy with all of the cold weather. I am still teaching zumba and taking spinning which is taking care of some of the winter blues. I definitely can't wait until we have some warmer weather so that I can get outside and enjoy some fresh air. 

More Priceless Pregnant Quotes from my Kiddies at School:
" Mrs. Trueblood, did you have your baby yesterday?" (1st grade)
"Mrs. Trueblood, I hope you have a nice baby, some of them can be a real pain"(1st grade)
" Wow! Your belly has really gotten bigger! You must have at least 2 or 3 babies in there!" (Kindergarten)
"When is that thing coming out?" (2nd grade)
"Do you give out F's on report cards if your students tell you that you look plumper than you did last week?" (4th Grade)
"It's a good thing you are "hip and stylish" it would be a shame if you looked pregnant and looked like an old lady" (5th grade)
This one takes the kid came up and tapped my belly, and said (to my belly) "Hey you....can you hear me in there?????" (1st grade)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

24 Week Appointment

This past week we went for our 24 week appointment. This was my last 2nd trimester appointment, which is very exciting! Everything looked great, and Cooper's heart rate was 147. Everything was very on track and uneventful....we like uneventful. The doctor also cleared me to travel since things have gone so well. Typically if you are high risk, they cut you off from travel starting your third trimester. Since everything as gone so well, they said I am good to go until they tell me otherwise. Cooper had been kicking like crazy these days. He is definitely a mover and a groover. I am still feeling great but my belly is getting bigger quickly. One of my students asked me this week if I had my baby over the weekend and if my baby was good...I think that kid needs to have his eyes checked!