Saturday, November 17, 2012

13 week ultrasound

We went to the high risk clinic for my ultrasound pictures and the 1st trimester screening tests this week. I think that this is the first time that Jason and I have gotten really really excited about baby T. We were always excited but very cautious and worrying a little about how things were going. Also, at my first ultrasound, the baby was a teeny little blob. It is hard to believe that you're actually having a baby when you see that and nothing has really changed. This time it looked like a real baby! We were so excited and we also got to see the baby move. Apparently we have a very very active baby. Baby T was rolling around, moving it's arms and legs, and flailing about. Already baby T is not wanting to cooperate while taking photos. When they got the picture the way they wanted it, baby would roll around. So I had to keep coughing to move the baby back around to get pictures.
I am feeling good and starting to take my first belly pictures. I am starting to get a little belly. First trimester is done and we will find out what the baby is on December 28th. We are so excited!!!!!

 Profile: We have decided that the baby already has by turned up nose:)

 Hand and arm

Baby belly!

12 week appointment

We went for our 12 week appointment and everything is looking good. I got to hear the heartbeat which was 162 and strong. So far they say everything is going very well. I go back in a week for an ultrasound and my 1st trimester screening.

Hurricane Sandy

We survived Hurricane Sandy and we were very lucky that we didn't have a lot of damage. I missed 2 days of school because of the storm and luckily Jason already had off of work for one of those days, so I wasn't by myself in the storm. We had a lot of flooding (even through our bedroom window!) and consistent 80MPH winds. Our house didn't have any damage but there were lots of trees taken down near us, many people lost their roof and siding and a few of the townhouses had their bay windows taken off the front of their house. We just lost the door to our shed. Otherwise we were pretty good. We went out after the storm to check everything out.

Shots from the neighborhood.

 This is the typically very small Monocacy River in Frederick. It flooded to a 35 foot storm surge and flooded over interstate 15. The usually 25 foot wide river flooded to about 10-15 acres wide!