Sunday, August 19, 2012


Excuse my random formatting with my blogging lately. I am trying some other blogging software programs because I am not a fan of the one I currently use. I still haven’t gotten the hang of the newer ones, so I am figuring it out.

On our last day in California, we went to Temecula to do some wine tasting. The vineyards were so pretty and the wine was fantastic. We had a great day. It was horribly hot there though. Compared to San Diego, we felt like we were back in Maryland with 105 degrees.

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Bel Vista Vineyard, one of out favorites.


Tasting room in the cellar.

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Europa Winery.


We also got to go to Ponte, where Aunt Sandy works. It was so good to see Bill, Sandy, Pam and Brad while we were out there.

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   IMG_1600      IMG_1606   IMG_1610 The girls.

La Jolla: Seal Beach

After our day downtown and in Coronado, we drove to La Jolla for sunset and some seal watching. It was beautiful there. It is definitely different from east coast beaches. I was so excited because I had never seen a seal before! They are cute, lazy, and very fat! We got some great pictures!

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Beautiful view!


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   IMG_1581 IMG_1582 A beautiful sunset. What a great end to the day.

Coronado and Downtown

On Saturday, we went to Coronado and had breakfast at the Hotel Del, which was beautiful. Then the guys got another game of golfing in on the Navy base. Jim made sure to leave the garden hose extension at home this time:) While the guys went golfing Debbie and I did some shopping in Coronado and took the ferry to San Diego to Seaport Village. It was a great day. We finished the afternoon in Coronado with some awesome Mexican food at Miguel's.

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Coronado Beach

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Headed downtown on the ferry.

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Seaport Village and The Midway.  IMG_1514     IMG_1519

Balboa Park

After going to the zoo we walked around Balboa Park. It is such a nice big park with all sorts of museums, places to eat, concert amphitheaters, and shops. We went to a yummy restaurant for some food and drinks too after a long day at the Zoo.






Wednesday, August 15, 2012

San Diego Zoo

We got to go to the San Diego Zoo while we were visiting. I was so excited to go because I have always heard awesome things about the zoo. It was an awesome zoo. It is so pretty and you get fairly close to all of the animals, which was really great for pictures.

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Monkey Trail





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Camels and Giraffes.



They have a really cool cheetah program a the zoo. They have a training program where they actually use a dog to train the cheetah. They walk them around in the zoo out in the open. It was so cool to see a cheetah that close.


Pandas and Polar Bears.


Chimps and Gorillas.
