Thursday, February 2, 2012


We went to Bryce for a relaxing week with my parents, Pete and Debbie, and their daughter and son-in-law Cam and Mike. Cam and Mike have the 2 cutest twin girls. I mostly took pictures of them during the week. It was a great no stress week with good food and friends.


Flash knows to hang out with the girls because they always leave crumbs behind. They also like to feed him.


We took Kendall and Carley out to a beautiful covered bridge to take some pictures and do a little photo shoot. The pictures turned out really good!


Kendall and Carley.




So cute!!!


Christmas Morning

I was a terrible photographer over Christmas break and I didn’t take a lot of pictures. Luckily Jason took some on Christmas morning. We had a great Christmas with my family in Waynesboro. We had Christmas Eve dinner with some of our best friends, the Lesters and the O’Dells before church. We opened presents and had a big delicious breakfast and then had Christmas Day dinner with Bekah O’Dell and her family, then headed off to Bryce Resort with the Shifletts. We had a great Christmas.




Dad’s Kindle and Jason’s running clothes!


Clearly spoiled. He even got a CAPS Jersey from my dad!


Earrings and my beautiful purse from Jim and Debbie.


Let’s Go Ravens!!!!


Garmin Running Watch from Jason.


Christmas morning mess.


Jason is pretty excited about his iPad!

Christmas Concerts at School

This year our concert theme was Christmas at the Movies. We did themes from The Polar Express, The Grinch, Muppets Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, and John Williams famous songs from Home Alone. I made wreaths to go with our theme and the kids had a great concert. I would put videos up, but we had an unfortunate accident and a student threw up on stage. Jason was super excited that he was able to make it to the concert and get it on video. Never mind the good singing, he was impressed with his cinematography of the barfing. Oh well! The kids handled it very well and I was very proud of their concert. One of their pieces was 64 pages long and they also learned how to read 3 part music this semester. They are some pretty awesome kiddos.


I had to put this picture up on the blog. It is just amazing. The background is the cover of the Polar Express book. Our art teacher painted that in 5 days during her planning time. She is amazingly talented and a wonderfully giving person. We are very lucky to have an art teacher with so much talent!!!!


The stage before the concert. We ended up having about 350 people come for our concert.


Christmas Decorating

This year I had a little more time than I did last year, but not much. Jason and I were still both in school and I still have all of my winter concerts, so it is still a busy time. I decided to add to my Christmas decorations this year and do some different trees and swags. We were very happy with the way it turned out.


My music treeSmile

Thanksgiving in Mississippi

Jason and I drove to Mississippi for Thanksgiving since we were not going to get to see Danny, Erin, and Cam at Christmas again this year. We wanted to spend some time with them too since we hardly got to see them during the blizzard weekend in Connecticut. We had a wonderful relaxing (despite the long drive) Thanksgiving holiday. It was so nice to spend time together and have nothing to do except eat and play. We were a little worried about the dogs since Nala was not a big fan of Flash at Wesley’s graduation, but they were awesome together. I would even go as far as to say that they might have liked each other. Flash was obsessed with Cameron and his toys. I think Cam and Flash got along best of all. They had a blast together. Flash isn’t used to all of the fun cars and toys!



While we were there we did out Christmas gifts with Danny and Erin and we also got Cameron a really cool lightening McQueen car that he and Flash loved. Cameron really liked the wrapping paper too!



Cameron playing with Flash’s big feet. Such cute pictures.IMG_1979



Flash, being an awesome traveler on the 17 hour drive home.