Monday, August 29, 2011

Weather, Weather, and More Weather

Just a little update. I'm sure you have all heard (it's all the news talks about here) we had an earthquake and a hurricane all in the same week. What are the chances? During my first work week back to school, we had the earthquake while I was in a meeting and our county shut down early. My poor mom had the earthquake (they were much closer to the epicenter) on her first day of school with kids. I can't imagine an earthquake with 30 first graders. Luckily I didn't have kids that day. I have never been in an earthquake before and didn't know what was happening so my first instinct was to hold onto the table...great plan right? All of my co-workers were yelling "Trueblood, it's an earthquake, what are you doing?" Jason called right away because we weren't really sure what had happened yet. Very very strange day that's for sure.
So, we survived that little drama for the week and here comes Irene. We got lots of wind, trees down, power outages, but that's about it. However, it was enough to get me out of school on the first day of school. Amazing that we haven't even started and I'm already making up days at the end of the year. As for the media, we have heard nothing but Irene, earthquake, aftershocks, and Libya. We're rather bored with the morning news here, but doing well:)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Projects


Before I go back to school, I always get on a big project kick. I like to have things finished before I go back. Jason and I had been planning on getting new couches for the upstairs since we had couch covers on our current ones. We also put together the new bookshelf for the basement and I did a little painting. It is so nice not having to tuck couch covers in everyday!



Notice my boys while I’m painting…both passed out asleep.




Swimming with D.O.G.

Flash and D.O.G. loved swimming in the river this summer. Flash is getting better at swimming. Boxers aren’t great swimmers because they are so dense, and they often have a hard time keeping their upper body from going under. Flash and D.O.G. decided to go fishing. They stick their whole face under, ears and all and blow bubbles! Flash actually caught a fish, which was hilarious because when he came up with it, it flopped and scared him to death, so he spit it out. D.O.G. came up with a crawfish hanging on his jowls. Silly boys!



So good at sharing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quality Control

The workers came on Friday after we took the carpet out. Flash was not happy about being quarantined upstairs with strangers in the house. Finally he figured out a way to quality control from upstairs. I got a little worried when I was downstairs and looked up and saw Flash on the couch (that he’s NOT allowed on) with his paws on the railings watching the guys lay the floor. What a hot mess this dog is! He’s such a fradey cat!



Super Flash and laying the hallway.


Flooring all done!


Putting down the area rug and the furniture.


Before and after pictures.



Jason and I had a few summer projects to finish up before I go back to school. We decided to replace the carpet downstairs because it was in need of a serious makeover. We decided to put in hardwood laminate flooring because you can’t scratch it. Here are pictures of all of the furniture we moved and the carpet that we tore out of the basement.




Roanoke and PUPPIES!

While we were at the beach Flash stayed with my dad’s cousin Kerry. Kerry and Doris have 2 boxers, Surfie and Ruby and they just had puppies. 3 of them were left when we went to the beach. They are so cute! We stopped by Roanoke to visit with Doris and Kerry and go to a few vineyards. Usually we do this trip on Labor Day, but this year we are going to get to spend the holiday with Jim and Debbie in VA Beach, so we stopped by for visits early.



Bavarian Inn, Happy 38th wedding anniversary to my parents!


Amrhein Vineyards


Myrtle Beach

In July we went to Myrtle Beach with my family. It was a very laid back week. I was really bad about taking pictures but I did get a few. The beach week is very relaxing and we don’t have a lot planned anyway.

Dinner with Connie and Rick at one of our favorite German restaurants. They have a band and we even got Walt to do the chicken dance!


Okay, so this is really terrible, but I laughed about this picture for the longest time. Of course I had to post it because it’s really quite phenomenal. This is without a doubt the greatest comb-over I have ever seen in my life. This thing made Donald Trump’s hair look salon ready. You really had to see it in person to get the full effect.


On Friday we went to see Legends in Concert. It is a Vegas Show that has impersonators of famous singers. It was really good! We saw Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, ABBA, Elvis, Madonna, and Allen Jackson.


A little bit of attitude

First of all, I am WAY behind on my blogging. Most of my computer time has been going to my HTML web design class…YUCK! Some of these posts are from a while ago. With Jason’s new job be is traveling a little more frequently. about 3 weeks ago he spend a few nights in Tampa and a few nights in Houston. While he was gone, apparently I got a little bored and felt the need to take videos of the dog to try to send him ridiculous videos from home. Little did I know I was going to get such ATTITUDE from our dog. Needless to say, I had to put this on the blog…I was amused by it.

On a more serious note. While Jason was out of town it was 112 degrees here WITHOUT the heat index and lucky me the AC broke while Jason was gone. Flash and I had to sleep on the floor of the basement trying to keep cool. Poor Jason got home at 2:00 in the morning and didn’t even get to sleep in his own bed. The thermostat in our house was a 99 for 2 days!