Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Little Warm Weather


We finally got some warm weather. Well…..warm is relative. Warm enough to sit outside with a fire and have a picnic. Jason and I had such bad cabin fever, we really didn’t care, so we packed up the car, and Flash, and headed out to Loudon County for a picnic. It doesn’t look that nice outside, but compared to what we have had it wasn’t too bad, and yes…..that white stuff is snow, for those of you who might not know what that looks like.Smile


Ready to roll!


Flash….so happy to be out in the sun.


The professional people watcher.


Horsing around. Apparently Flash isn’t the only dog who HATES his gentle leader!


Relaxing and loving the 60 degree weather and the fire.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our unfortunate little monster….

So, our “little” monster currently spends most of his time getting into trouble. Really, he is still such a good dog, and he is actually very well behaved. However, mischief tends to be the usual around here these days. Our little man is not so little anymore…about 70lbs and still going strong. His latest project is attempting to break out of every cage/dog house we put him in. This latest project of his also broke his bottom canine tooth this week, when he conveniently busted the entire front out of his cage during the day. Jason and I never really know what we’re going to come home to. We have added extra metal clips (he broke those), zip ties (he ate those), and chairs (he climbed over those) to his cage apparatus. The good news is that once he gets out he’s actually well behaved and doesn’t really mess with much…usually we find him under a blanket on the couch. I suppose it could be much worse, we could come home to him eating the couch.



Busted cage…busted tooth!



Look Mom and Dad…..I escaped!!!!!!!


Sitting pretty.



More evidence of the great Houdini. Behind the car seats… the driver seat.




Lastly…..SUPER upset that there is a cat in our yard looking up at him!

More Snow!!!!

I am so very behind in my blogging. I don’t really have a good excuse except for the fact that our life isn’t all that interesting right now….and we’re okay with thatSmile We have had snow every week since Christmas. I really can’t complain, because this week was my first full week of school without a delay, or early closing since before Christmas. However, this is NOT good for the darling little children who crave a little structure in their lives. Let’s just say the teachers were pulling the little monkeys off the ceiling this week. We have gotten some ice and such, but not a very good accumulating snow that Flash could really go out and play in. Finally we got a good 6 inch storm and Flash was super confused! This was the first time he had every been outside when the snow was dumping. Once he decided it was okay, he had a lot of fun running around.


Digging and nose plowing.


A confused little face!!!!


Watching the snow fall in his favorite place.