Saturday, January 22, 2011

Football at Geoff and Kathy’s House

We went to Geoff and Kathy’s house to watch the Raven’s Steeler’s game last weekend. Just took a few pictures of the adorable kiddos.



Baby Will, sporting the Ravens gear!



Post Christmas Mischief and some other funny pics

FLash got some news toys that didn’t last very long. Apparently now that he is almost 1 he thinks he rules the universe. He is getting to be a very naughty little pup.


Trying to look cute while making a mess of our house.




In addition to his regular trouble he has also figured out how to be the great Houdini and make himself quite comfy. He figured out houw to move his cage around while he was in it and gather towels from the laundry and pull them in his cage. One day we got home, and he had gotten out of his little home and turned the TV on and was laying on the couch. You had to see it to believe it. He also ate the remote, which was unfortunate.



Playing with our neighbor Cole.


Sleeping….he’s so nice like this!


He goes for a ride and then thinks he’s in charge!



Our snow situation is nothing like our 6 feet last year, but we’ve been getting snow pretty regularly this year. I only had to work a full day one day this past week. Love the 2 hour delays!!!!!! Flash loves the snow. He pretty much thinks it’s the coolest thing he’s ever seen and wants to spend every minute of every day outside.



Flash loves pushing the snow around with his nose.



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Flash Braves the Elements

We have had a little snow here and there this year but not really enough to play in. We got about 2 inches this morning and it was actually on a day off so we could take Flash outside to play in it. At first I think FLash thought something horrible had taken over his yard and he was not thrilled with the idea of snow. Then when he realized he could roll and play in it, he decided it was okay.




One of my favorite pictures.


Flash got a snoot full of snow.


Our Nephew Cameron Daniel Trueblood! CONGRATULATIONS DANNY AND ERIN!!!

I had to steal a few pictures from Erin’s blog to show off the beautiful baby to my family. I know everyone is anxious to see him. On January 3rd, Danny and Erin had a beautiful, healthy baby boy, Cameron. We are so excited for them and they look fantastic in all of their pictures. We can’t wait to meet the little guy. He is already so handsome!


The happy parents with Cameron.


Danny with Cameron. Jason and I still think it is so weird to see Danny as a daddy. I don’t think it has set in yet.


Bringing home the little cutie pie.


Flashy’s first trip to the beach

Over the holidays it was freezing in Florida. Jim and Debbie always call us and brag that their weather is so nice in the winter….I don’t buy it…I think they’re just trying to trick us. It was COLD there. Finally toward the end of the week it got up to 60 degrees and the boys were able to play golf and we were able to take the dogs to the beach. Cassie had a little trouble with the fact that Flash likes to box. Cassie is not a fan of boxing and it took Flash the boxer a little longer than we would have liked to realize this. Finally by the end of the week Flash and Cassie were getting along, just in time for us to go home.

We weren’t sure how Flash would react to the beach, but he LOVED it. I think it might be one of his favorite places. He had a blast. We can’t wait to take him back to the beach.



Flash, chasing and watching the seagulls.


YAY!!! Kevin finally got here!


I had to add this picture in. Cassie looks to nice and happy, and then there’s Frumpy Flashy. Flash was pouting because he wanted to rip and tear and play with Cassie. He was SO mad that he had to sit still for pictures. He needs to learn like the rest of us that there is always more than one picture in the Trueblood family.


Finally we got him to sit nicely and take a decent picture, after numerous pouty pictures.



Flash running in the surf.

Christmas Day



Everyone waiting and being tortured while Jim says, “the good news is, we’re almost ready, the bad news is that Santa didn’t come!”


Flashy did NOT like being tortured by Jim and Debbie. He is not very patient when waiting for Santa’s visit and puppy presents. I think he just wanted to go downstairs so he could bug Cassie.


Awwwww….still no Kevin, so Lauren has the skype on the laptop, just incase he calls.



Stockings. We all got the Debbie, holy grail smiley mugs.


Opening Gifts.




For one of Jason’s Christmas gifts, he got to go flying for an hour. Here is Jason in front of the plane he got to fly. We was so excited and had a lot of fun flying. I think he might have the flying bug….he’s liking that flight simulator game a little too much these days.
