Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update on Flash Man

IMG_1232As many of you know Flash has been having a lot of trouble lately and has been in and out of the vets office because of Panosteitis, which is a bone disease that causes his bones to calcify because of rapid growth. The pain comes and goes and usually doesn’t last more that a few days. This is something he should grow out of by January when he is full grown.

Recently he has had a very bad spell of pano  and has been in severe pain and barely walking for over a week. He is starting to do a little better. He is sleeping through the night, most nights, and is able to get up by himself and walk around a little bit. He still hangs out on his bed and looks very sad. It is so difficult to see him in so much pain, and Jason and I feel like we have a baby… being woken up by crying and getting up all through the middle of the night.We are hoping this will be over soon, but these spells can sometimes last up to a month or more. We will be glad when we have professor psycho pants back!


Grandma and Grandpa F’s Visit


Grandma and Grandpa F were able to stop by for dinner on their way back from a high school reunion in Baltimore. We were so excited that they were able to come see Frederick and our home. We got to spend some time with them and have a quick cookout before they had to head back to PA. IMG_1233Grandma F with Flash.


I decided to pull an Erin Trueblood and get crafty with the self timer on the camera so we could get a group shot. Flash decided to join at the last minute.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Danny and Erin come to Frederick

This weekend Danny and Erin came to Frederick to visit us. We were so excited for them to see our house and where we live. On Friday night we did a bushel of Maryland crabs. If you’re visiting Maryland, you have to do crabs and beer on the deck.



On Saturday we went to Leesburg for a winery tour. We went to two vineyards, Fabbioli Cellars and Casanel vineyard. The wine was great and it was a beautiful day to sit outside.


Fabbioli Cellars tasting room.


Jason, Danny, and I doing our tasting.


Outside Fabbioli cellars. They were harvesting grapes that day, which was fun to watch.


Sitting outside at Casanel vineyard. It was a beautiful day, and there was live music, so we got a bottle and a cheese plate and relaxed in the beautiful weather. Baby Trueblood got to listen to the music and enjoy the weather, but no wine for the little one:)

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Pictures out on the lake at Casanel.


With some strategic furniture moving, we were able to take a picture of all of us together.

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Unfortunately, Danny and Jason had a hard time hanging with the ladies on the wine tour and they pooped out on the way home.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm so cute!!!!!

Flash was so excited to be home from his weekend away that he jumped in his toy basket and decided to hang out a while. I had to post this picture....he's so CUTE!

VA Tech vs. Boise State

Yay for football season!!!!! Now that I am so behind with blogging we have seen the true demise of VT as they got beaten by JMU last week. Anyway...I was still excited for this game even though they lost. We had our neighbors over for wings and beverages. I love the start of football season.
Flash...looking not so thrilled about his new sports paraphernalia.
Flash eventually got fed up with us and with VT...
Wow! I am really behind with my blogging. I suppose that's what happens when you return to work:) These pictures are from Labor Day weekend. Jason and I went to Roanoke, VA to visit a bunch of family and friends. We took Flash with us so he could play with his buddies Surfie, Ruby, and Shay at my dad's cousin's house. We also got to go to some wineries and do some golfing and shopping while we were there.
Amhrein Vineyards.
Debbie, Cam, my mom, my dad, and Jason at our picnic lunch at the vineyard.
Flash, checking out the scenery in Harpers Ferry driving home.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Classroom...Finally put together

I finally got my room together and started my new job. I LOVE the kids. They are such nice polite kids, the staff and parents are awesome, and my 25 minute commute is fabulous too. I am very OCD about my class and everything had to be labeled and color coded. It's almost there!
All the instruments.
My desk area.

Last days of summer

Jason, Janet, and Cole The last weekend before school started we got a bushel of crabs with our neighbors Janet and Cole. We sat out on the deck for hours and picked crabs. They were YUMMY!!!